
How would you like to use HitchHike?

Plan a spontaneous trip or regular commute

Offering a ride now or looking for a ride. Regularly or on a specific date. HitchHike is free for you to use. You're welcome! Click and go.

Sustain a Regional an local Carpooling Service

Together with HitchHike, municipalities or regions can create the optimal framework conditions to actively promote carpooling. Click for more information.

Sustain a private Carpooling in your Corporation

Carpooling within the company makes sense, is sustainable and can even increase innovation. HitchHike accompanies the company and employees. Click for more information.

Carpooling News and Facts

Since 2022, we have been publishing news and editorial content on the topic of carpooling here. Join the discussion and don't miss any exciting content, learnings, facts, and news from us! ;)


 read news & learn about carpooling          


Environmental protection is everyone’s problem. However, we also believe it is important to remain flexible and mobile on a day-to-day basis, which is why many believe it is not possible to do without their own car.

In 4 of 5 cars that commute daily, there is only one occupant.

On average, a commuting car in daily workday traffic is occupied by 1.12 people. Most cars could carry 4 to 5 persons. If all conceivable transport purposes are included in this statistic, then there is an average occupancy rate of 1.6 persons pro vehicle.

Source: BFS / ARE, 2010

There are now twice as many cars on the road as there were in 1980

In Switzerland, the number of cars on the road has doubled since 1980. Statistically, that means that every second person in Switzerland has a car. The massive growth in the number of cars is noticeable. The great media interest demonstrates the importance of this social problem. Aggregated traffic prognoses compiled by the Federal Office for Spatial Development also show an imperative need for action.

Source: ARE, BFS, 2014

Noise pollution due to traffic

During the day, 21% of Swiss citizens are subject to traffic noise pollution at their residences. This noise pollution goes beyond the statutory limit values. 18% of Swiss citizens are disturbed by street noise during the night. By comparison, only 1% are affected by excessive railway or aircraft noise.

Source: Bundesamt für Umwelt (Federal Office for the Environment), Lärmdatenbank sonBase 2010 & 2006

Traffic uses 35% of all energy

In 2013, about 35% of the entire energy consumption in Switzerland (discharged final energy) was consumed by traffic. Therefore, traffic represented the largest energy consumption group, even ranking ahead of residential and industrial use. Traffic covers its energy requirements by up to 96% through the use of petroleum products (gasoline, diesel, aviation fuels).

Source: BFE – Overall energy statistics / BFS, Neuchâtel 2014

Mobility results in 37% of all carbon emissions.

Vehicles powered by combustion engines emit the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) and thus contribute to climate change. In 2012, the carbon emissions from traffic totalled 16.2 million tons (not including international air traffic). This amounted to about 37% of the carbon emissions in Switzerland.

Source: BAFU / BFS, Neuchâtel 2014

Gridlock, stress and unhappiness

A high level of traffic in populated areas, limited motorway capacities, and typical commuter times often lead to traffic jams. Because the traffic jam is the only thing occupying the minds of commuters while they are sitting in their car, these often lead to stress and unhappiness.


HitchHike offers a simple solution to creating carpools for similar routes in order to effectively and sustainably protect our resources and to reduce carbon emissions.

Fewer cars on the roads

Fewer cars lead to a higher quality of life, since the burden of emissions is reduced. Bottlenecks on the roads can be alleviated and will lead to more comfort and safety in traffic.

Contribution to environmental protection

A lower emission burden from daily traffic leads to less environmental pollution. The carbon emissions can be greatly reduced through the use of higher occupancy vehicles (= less vehicles). Eventually, the expansion of certain “bottleneck road sections” will become obsolete and landscaped areas can be retained.

Interaction and relationship management

Carpools support communication and the interaction between people. The first thing carpoolers have in common is the destination. And what’s more: often times, the people carpooling used to travel the same route. This method of meeting new people is both easy and valuable. Mutual journeys can be refreshing and often shorten the perceived driving time. Source: Techniker Krankenkasse, Hamburg 2012

Reducing costs & saving money

Fuel cost savings begin to amortize when carpooling is performed on a regular basis, but carpooling even makes sense for one-time events, such as on a longer drive to a music festival or a trade show. Apart from the fuel expenses, parking fees can also be shared. The external costs (environmental and health impacts, infrastructure, etc.) that are born by third parties (often by society as a whole) are not to be underestimated.

Uncomplicated and direct

Creating a carpool can be very cumbersome without any technical assistance. Many people are scared off by the organisational effort required. The HitchHike software assumes complex calculations and completes the cumbersome and intricate task within a few hundredths of a second. Ideal carpools are displayed on the routes of those looking for a ride.

Commitment for environment and society

The own interest groups as well as employees, residents, visitors or students benefit just as much from the use of an own personal platform for creating carpools as does the environment and society on the whole. Our customers enable people within their social or corporate framework to contribute and benefit in the simplest way possible.

HitchHike with you

Existing social structures such as companies, research companies, universities and major events, as well as communities and industrial areas, provide a good basis for car pooling.

The HitchHike Eco System offers the right framework and support for active participation and the long-term establishment of more sustainable mobility.

The journey starts with the concept for your situation, the introduction of the offer and long-term support and operation of the service.









Major events



Research and Education









Creating carpools with HitchHike is easy, safe and effective.